
Friday, October 22, 2010

Supermarket Dash

I once went down to the supermarket with a good buddy of mine to stock up on supplies for a course we were running near Canterbury. As we stood at the checkout my friend was stood just a short distance away from me however, he must have been far enough away to cause the girl on the till to enquire "are you two together" my friend (oops I nearly said his name then) pipes up and says no to her question.

And there it was.

Do you get them moments as well? You know when something instantly pops into your head and you know you can have fun with this moment, I call it my little tick. Looking straight at my buddy I said "you always do this, why can you not just admit that we are together" at which point my mate reacted by saying to the girl, "no, NO we are not together, don't listen to him." I then turned to her said "it hurts me when he is like this I don't understand why he just cannot be honest".

At this point my mate was clearly becoming very uncomfortable as he was starting to go red in the face, while still denying that what I was saying was untrue, and the more he denied it the bigger the hole was getting and of course I kept piling it on, with things like,

"wait until we get back, we will talk about this" & "I just wish you would be honest"

The girls eyes were flicking from me to him and back, her mind was clearly doing over time and in the end my buddy gave up realising that he was on a loser. We left the supermarket with my friend calling me all the Ba%@&#ds under the sun, while I was completely wetting myself with laughter.

Of course the truth was that I was talking about doing the course together, it was left up to other people to decide in their own minds what was taking place, the fact that I was presenting as being quite camp had no bearing on the situation what so ever, he says with tongue in cheek and of course I had so much fun playing the part and watching my mate wriggling, thankfully we are still good buddies and from time to time w have a old chuckle about that day.

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