
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Whatever you do, please do not tell anyone…

In 1981 Frank Bruno took on Mike Tyson, everyone in the regiment want to see this fight. I had planned to drive to the next major town and spend the night at a friend’s place to watch the fight and to have a few bevvies as well.

However, that evening we had a mess dinner on in the Sgt’s & WO’s mess. The sergeant major in charge knew that people wanted to leave early to watch the fight. Normally these functions go on all night however; the RSM agreed we could leave as he wanted to see the fight as well. This sergeant major decided to leaver to last possible moment to lets us leave, and it appeared to me that he drew some kind of pleasure form making us all wait for his say so. So, off I rushed and in my hasty I went the wrong way up the autobahn (motorway), so by the time I got to my fiends the fight was over. I then decided I would go back to camp. On the way back my car ran out of fuel, so I call my friend to come to my aid, he duly turned up shaking his head, say and you call yourself the regiment fleet manager. Embarrassing I know, so I said to him whatever you do not tell anyone.


The next day I am in my office and my 2nd in command comes in and hands me Part One Orders I said to him, Jock you know I don’t read them just tell me if there is anything on there I need to know to which he replied there is… Oh and before he turned up my men from the POD Farm stated to drift into my office, I would glance up now and then thinking to myself they are up to something, but each time I asked they said they were here to spend time with me, this they do not normally do, it was out of character. 
It is worth knowing that every sub unit and departments in the regiment gets a copy of these orders. So, here I am looking through Part Ones when I get to the end page and I find this (Show picture of me on land rover). At which point all men burst out laughing as did I, and comments were made like. “Boss if you polished your car you would get another 20km’s to the liter out of it, in fact if a thief stole your car they would return and leave 20 marks clipped to a note on the seat saying. Sorry mate we did not know you were this hard up so we returned your car to you”.

And of course everyone in the Regiment including my boss and the colonel got to see it as well.

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